Friday, December 12, 2008

The New Global Environment

First things first.

I want you to get used to the idea that there really is no U.S. economy that means anything anymore. For that matter, get it through your head that there isn't a U.S. stock stock market or a U.S. currency either.

Whether you're feeling inspired or discouraged, right now, I can tell you with complete certainty, the world economy is going to be vital, and it's going to grow.

Billions of people are going to learn to live like Americans over the next 5 or ten years, and this is gonna be BIG BUSINESS! You don't want to limit your thinking to one country, even ours. You can take this to the bank: the vitality, the ambition, the courage, and the ingenuity of people around the world who want a good, educated, safe comfortable electronic life for their families will not be denied.

The growth is gonna be there, and the people around the world will pay a lot to use our capital. So from now on you can afford to be very, very choosy.

Starting right now, You don't have to invest in uncertain situations. You don't have to try to guess the bottom of anything. Money's already becoming VERY scarce, and you can pick and choose your investments.

I know this isn't the way most of us think. But this is the new world and you can afford to think like this. You can demand that everything be right before you commit.

There's no excuses anymore, you better take the responsibility to evaluate each deal carefully.

You can know the real story about every single thing you invest in, and everybody you loan money to. You can demand only good deals. It's a buyers market for investments now, and it's going to be that way maybe for the rest of your life.

That's why I want to help give you a whole new set of skills.

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