Monday, December 8, 2008

Human Tendencies That Lose Us Money, Position and Power

We all have to fight to stay awake

Remember, the pros on Wall Street must also fight their "robot selves." That's how they know about yours, and they've been using that knowledge to take your money for years. Get clear that financial markets are best understood as the device for the transfer of assets and power from the unconscious to the conscious, from the uninformed weak hands to the informed strong hands. Welcome to the winning side.

How can you stay awake? Constantly reminding yourself…

So how do you do all this? How do you strengthen yourself and get ready to win in the most challenging and yet the most promising financial environment ever seen on our planet?

I invite you to join me in constantly reminding ourselves of the following:
1) Making money is the opposite of human nature
2) My only real opportunities to improve my financial and social position come at major societal inflection points, and ironically, those are the time when I am most scared and compulsive.
3) My mind is hardwired for physical survival, and for bad performance in sports and money games. By using my brain, I can easily transcend this.
4) I am hardwired to be great at procreation and terrible at finance. By using my brain I can easily transcend this tendency.
5) Because I am hardwired to follow the leaders of my herd, I have a mad compulsion to believe whatever I hear people say on TV. The experts on TV are Wall Street's modern day priesthood, and something about us makes us VERY receptive to the feeling that our priests stand between us and God. They are anointed and appointed to interpret for us what God wants, and how he behaves. In my heart, I know that how certain they sound or how attractive and articulate they are has nothing to do with whether they are actually correct at any given moment. Ironically, I am hardwired so that the better they look, the more articulate they are, and the more certain they sound, the more compelled I feel to believe and follow them. By using my brain, I can easily transcend these money-losing tendency
6) Because I am hardwired to be a herd animal, I have a mad compulsion to believe the guys at my club or at work, especially when they act confident, happy and prosperous. By using my brain and staying awake, I can easily transcend this money-losing tendency
7) Because I am hardwired to survive in an environment that changes very gradually over thousands of years, I have a persistent tendency to base all my assumptions and calculations on whatever I see as the established past. Obviously, this tendency will take me right over the cliff at inflection or turning points. Fortunately, all the people who are after my resources are slaves to this tendency and by using my brain, staying awake, and recognizing that the immediate past is not working as a good reference point, I have the edge over the millions of investors who are determined to separate me from my wealth, but may not have the horses.

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