Monday, November 24, 2008

What You Need to Do, What They Need to Do, and How to Do It

Right now people are looking at the stock market and asking, how can huge companies worth billions, if not trillions, of dollars have stock prices at $8? How can fertilizer companies, making 60% profit, be selling for 2 years worth of profit and the price is dropping?

Do you get it? It means it’s not low enough.

So what does that mean?

I know everyone’s saying this is about confidence (and it is), so here’s what it means.

We all lived through the late 70’s during Carter’s presidency. Now Carter was a good guy and meant well, but he wasn’t up for the presidency. He didn’t have the personal strength to handle it and was totally overwhelmed. When Iran and Soviet Union backed him into a corner, he just couldn’t handle it.

The truth is, right now nobody knows ANYTHING right now. All the TV pundits and politicians are talking like they know EXACTLY what’s going on, but the truth is that nobody knows anything right now.

As human beings, however, we have a need to feel that SOMEONE knows what’s going on, that’s someone’s in charge. It’s simply human nature. Right now Paulson, the government, the President, they’re all throwing their hands up, no idea what to do.

Dr. Laffer was screaming a year ago for Bernanke to do one thing to help stave off this situation. It was simply to let the monetary base to grow. They all knew that money was too tight, that money needed to flood in, not trickle. Lowering it a little at a time makes people wait to borrow money. Think about it. Would you borrow at 2% today if you knew you could borrow at 1.5% two days from now? Neither would anyone else!

So we wait and people starve.

Now the government, Paulson, the President, every day they’re changing their mind about what is needed to fix this situation.

Bush is AWOL right now and nobody knows what Obama’s going to do when he takes office. With all the indecision, nobody knows what to do and we’re at a stand still.

If they would just buy the bonds like they said they would, buy with conviction. Who cares if it’s right or wrong? We won’t know for a long time. So what if it’s wrong? How wrong could it possibly be? You buy the bonds and sell it later.

This situation isn’t, at the core, about bonds. It’s about a lack of mastery, a lack of competence. THAT’S why we’re circling the drain.

Obama’s staying out of it out of respect for President Bush. So right now President Bush needs to suck it up, act like the President (even if he’s a lame duck), invite Obama into the White House and work it out. That’s all you have to do.

The minute you have someone who looks like they’re in control the stock market will rebound. Remember, this isn’t about fundamentals. Stock prices are WAY too low because people have discounted that nobody’s going to take charge, and nothing is ever going to get done. Now we know this isn’t true, but it’s the impression we get right now.
We have a president who won’t do anything and a Treasury Secretary who can’t make up his mind. So I repeat my request to them, “JUST DO SOMETHING!”

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