Monday, November 24, 2008

Private Mentoring

I’ve got another really interesting thought for you about how we believe in investing and the truth if you just look at results. I warn you, this isn’t going to sound right to you. That’s because it is right.
Let’s take the global stock market for now. Not your country, but the whole world.
The world economy is going to be vital and it's going to grow. You don’t want to just think in terms of one country, even ours, just because economic, business, and tax policy affects how successful you’re going to be in that one country. Believe me, the vitality, the ambition, the courage, and the ingenuity of people around the world who want a good, educated, safe comfortable electronic life for their families will not be denied.
The growth will be there, and they will need our capital. So from now on you can afford to be very, very choosy. You don’t have to invest in uncertain situations. Money will be scarce, and you can pick and choose.
I know this isn’t the way most of us think. But this is the new world. You can afford to think like this. You can demand that everything be right before you commit, and you better take the responsibility to evaluate each deal carefully.
You can know the real story about every company you invest in, and everybody you loan money to. You can demand only good deals. It is a buyers market for investments now, and it’s going to be forever.

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